-finishing their projects in these hard times
MakeCoProDox Forum 2020
MakeCoProDox Forum is a forum whose main goal is to develop a strategy plan to increase documentary film co-production between the Balkan countries. The Forum welcomes representatives from 12 regional film agencies, 3 Scandinavian film agencies and 10 projects in final stages of production.
In anticipation of an economic crisis, culture and the film industry are often most affected by budget cuts. Only by acting in solidarity by increasing regional co-productions can the Balkan countries increase the number of funded projects during the reduced funds.
Due to the uncertainty of the government’s measures of the CO-VID19 situation, the second edition of the MakeCoProDox Forum will be held online.
The Forum is organized by: MakeDox, North Macedonia Film Agency and Creative Europe Media Desk MK.
Dates: August 5, 6, 21, 24, 25 & September 21
Brigid O’Shea (Documentary Association of Europe & Head of DOK Industry- DOKLeipzig)
Helle Hansen (Film Commissioner Documentary- Norwegian Film Institute, Norway)
Objective: We will welcome the key personalities of the documentary film industry from all over the world and will introduce the possible ways of collaborations and try to make the funds in the region to collaborate on a longer time scale. Our objective with this project is to establish a new alliance sector in the Balkan region for the first time, as the only way to amortize the consequences of the crisis. Within the online sessions we will present the problems that regional countries are facing largely due to the crisis, and try to find possible ways of overcoming them, while emphasizing their not specific regulations dedicated to supporting the development and production of documentary films.
The Forum will invite:
- 12 film fund representatives from the regional countries (N. Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, Romania and Turkey)
- Representatives from the Scandinavian Film Funds (Sweden, Denmark, Norway)
- TV broadcasters representatives (HBO Europe, Al Jazeera, Current Time TV)
- Representatives (film programers) from newly established FestDocsNetwork (DokMunchen, DocsBarcelona, FipaDoc, MakeDox)
- Film distributors from the region (Restart (Croatia), Demiurg (Slovenia), Five Stars (Serbia)
- Local producers in order to facilitate the search for local productions
The mentoring part consists of:
- Pitching workshop with Brigid O’Shea (6 August)
- Pitching sessions and one-on-one meetings with the project participants (25 August)
Who can apply: Documentary film producers/authors with audiovisual projects in the final stage of production, from N. Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, Romania and Turkey.
*Please note that we do not require that the film story is set in the region
It is possible to apply with a film project with the following main requirements:
– feature documentary;
– post-production stage;
– to be shot or produced in the region.
Deadline for Applications: 27.07.2020
Apply at with a trailer, if there is one, or selected scenes if it is in a more developed stage (max 20 min).
The selection of the submitted projects will be carried out by an Evaluation Committee taking into account the eligibility requirements; the evaluation results will be announced by email.